Services Description: Backup for Salesforce

Services Provided

The Supplier will provide Cloud Services to support the operation of  an instance of The Client’s Veeam Backup for Salesforce software.

The Cloud Services will include compute server, database server, network capacity and data storage for the Client’s Veeam Backup for Salesforce software.

The Supplier will also provide the Client with web-based access to their Veeam Backup for Salesforce instance.

Software configuration

The Client is responsible for the configuration of the Veeam Backup for Salesforce instance.

Monitoring of Backups

The Client is responsible for monitoring the activity of backups and whether they run or not. The Client may engage the Supplier for assistance in troubleshooting failed backup by raising a Service Ticket.

Service Location

The Client will specify the following characteristics of the Service:

Cloud Service Location A choice of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Regions as offered by The Supplier


Service Terms


Usage Metered number of Protected User Accounts


Metered number of Protected Organisations (minimum 1)

Service Pricing As per The Supplier’s published price list on their website.
Invoice Period Fees will be invoiced monthly in arrears, commencing 1 month after the Commencement Date.
Initial Period 1 month
Renewal Terms After the Initial Period the Services will automatically renew for subsequent consecutive 1 month periods unless terminated by either party. Following termination, fees in arrears will remain due based on Usage.
Payment Terms Fees will be due upon invoice
Payment Method Payments for Invoices due will be collected automatically from the Client’s  credit or debit card. The card must be of a type supported by the Supplier. See the Supplier’s FAQ for supported card types.
Termination Upon Termination of the Services all storage of Backup data and instance configuration will cease.


Services Requirements


The Client will supply a valid Veeam Backup for Salesforce licence.

The Client will allow the Supplier to access its Veeam Backup for Salesforce instance to monitor, troubleshoot, bill, and deliver the Cloud Services.


Permitted Data Monitoring

The Supplier will be permitted to read and process the following data from Client’s Veeam Backup for Salesforce instance:

  • Veeam Backup for Salesforce service status
  • Any other data required to deliver or bill the Cloud Services


Service Level Agreement

In the event of the total periods of Downtime, due to failure of the service, in any monthly period of service during the Term, exceeding 0.1% of time in said month a service credit will be made.

One full day’s credit of the Service Fee will be given for each hour of Downtime beyond the 0.1% allowable, up to a maximum credit of 100% of the month’s Service Fee.

The maximum overall service credit payable due to Downtime in any month will be 100% of the month’s Service Fee.

Supplier will apply a credit to the following monthly invoice. Service credits can only be applied to invoices and are not refundable for cash.

Any period of Downtime is deemed to commence from the time the Client raises a Support Ticket with Supplier until the incident is resolved by Supplier.

Service level agreement credits will not apply:

  •       During periods of maintenance, published by the Supplier on their status page and/or notified to the Client, at least 24 hours in advance of the maintenance commencing.
  •       During time-critical essential security updates or due to preventative actions deemed necessary by the Supplier for the essential protection of the service.
  •       During any period during which any service is unavailable as a direct consequence of any breach of the Agreement by the Client.
  •       Due to the negligence of the Client, its employees or agents.
  •       Where failures are due to factors outside the Supplier’s control including:

o   The speed, reliability and completion of backups may be influenced by the speed, availability and reliability of Salesforce’ Systems and Services; and

o   General Internet throughput and reliability issues outside the Supplier’s own network.


Data Sub-processors 

Amazon Web Services (AWS), and/or its associated companies.

GDPR Description of Processing of Personal Data 

The Services will be used to store, retrieve and transmit data, which may include personal data. However the Service is only to be used by the Client for the exclusive purpose of providing a backup of data held in the Client’s Salesforce Organisation(s). Upon Termination all data will be erased and/or destroyed.


Appendix A – Definitions used in this document

“Downtime” means any period of time during which the Services are unavailable.

“Licence” refers to The Client’s Veeam Backup for Salesforce licence.

“Backup Data” refers to backup data created  by the Client’s Veeam Backup for Salesforce Instance.

“Salesforce Organisation” has the meaning given to it by Salesforce. Please refer to the “Salesforce Organization” definition listed at the URL link:


“Protected Organisation” means a Salesforce Organisation that is configured to receive data backups by The Client’s Veeam Backup for Salesforce instance.

“Protected User Accounts” means the number of Salesforce Users across all Protected Organisation.


“Salesforce” means Salesforce Inc, its subsidiaries and successors.=

“Veeam” means Veeam Inc, its subsidiaries and successors.