Reasons you need a Salesforce Backup 

If any of the following should occur, your data may not be recoverable unless you have your own independent Salesforce backup service...

  • Record deletion by users
  • Malicious corruption or theft
  • Irreversible change
  • Automated deletion by workflow or rule

How would it impact you, your team or the business if you were unable to quickly and fully recover Salesforce data from such a common, everyday data loss scenario?

Salesforce recommend "It is important for Salesforce customers to develop a routine data backup strategy as part of their overall data management and security model".

Data is the beating heart of any modern business and the data residing in your Salesforce CRM is likely some of the most important to your operation.

Don't let your Salesforce data go without a backup.

Salesforce Data Loss is More Common Than You Think

  • Only 24% of organizations are confident they could restore their Salesforce data after a bad import.
  • 39 Hours is the average time it would take to recover 100 Salesforce accounts and their related records.
  • Only 11% of IT professionals have reached their Salesforce data retention mandates.
  • 81% of IT experts are concerned about human-error-related Salesforce data loss.

Source: Veeam Salesforce Protection Trends Report


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