Does you business have a plan to protect its Microsoft 365 Data?

Microsoft 365 - all your business data that lives on-line in Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Teams and One Drive - is a core part of the day to day lifeblood of your business. Critical business functions - administration, sales, training, IT, accounting, legal - all depend on reliable access to the data held in Microsoft 365. Any disruption to these services can cause a business to rapidly grind to a halt, yet many business owners and managers remain unaware of the need to independently protect their Microsoft 365 data from an increasingly wide range of risks.

Accidental deletion
Mistakes can and do happen. Human errors mean files can be accidentally deleted. Configuration errors, causing consequent data loss or corruption, may not come to light for months, years or even ever.

External security threats
Viruses, often introduced via email, can make changes to live data or render key files inaccessible. Criminals can engage in ransomware extortion.

Internal security threats
Malicious insiders or departing employees could delete or encrypt data.

Retention policy gaps or errors
Complex retention policies need to be maintained with care and reviewed on a regular basis.

Managing updates and migrations
System wide changes can be high risk and need very careful management.

Legal, professional, regulatory and compliance requirements
Consider your legal obligations to customers, suppliers, partners and employees. Do contracts specify or imply that data is to be backed up regularly?

This is now especially important with commercial insurance policies, particularly Professional Indemnity. Also consider regulatory requirements that are industry specific and data security standards such as ISO 27001.

All of these are likely to now require that you have an independent backup with documented retention periods.

Protect Your Business Data now with an Independent Backup of Your Microsoft 365 Data

Cloud Recovery's Backup for Microsoft 365 provides a daily managed backup service for your Microsoft 365 data - to ensure that your data is always protected and accessible.

Protect your Microsoft 365 data from accidental deletion, security threats and retention policy gaps.

Quickly restore individual Microsoft 365 emails, files and sites with our easy to use management portal.

Protect your business and reduce your compliance burden. Sign-up now with with one straightforward service plan and immediate deployment with Cloud Recovery by Extraordinary.