Why backup Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 provides many powerful services within Microsoft 365 – but a comprehensive backup of your Microsoft 365 data is not one of them.

Even though Microsoft hosts the infrastructure, you still have a responsibility to backup your business-critical Microsoft 365 data. In a survey of 1,000 IT professionals, 80% had experienced some data loss in Microsoft 365. The Microsoft 365 Shared Responsibility Model states:

“With Microsoft 365, it’s your data – you control it – and it is your responsibility to protect it.”

Protect against data loss

Microsoft 365 provides some tools to help keep your data safe, but there are still risks that can result in data loss. Backing up your Office 365 data can help protect you against accidental deletion or corruption of your data

Maintain access to your data

If your Microsoft 365 account is compromised or lost, backing up your data can ensure that you have a copy of your important files and information that you can use to restore your account

Reduce downtime

If your Microsoft 365 data is lost or corrupted, it can take a significant amount of time to restore it from a backup. By having a recent backup available, you can reduce the amount of time your business is without access to important data

Meet compliance requirements

Some industries have specific regulations around data storage and backup. Backing up your Microsoft 365 data can help you meet these requirements and avoid potential fines or penalties

Reduce the risks of human error

We all make mistakes, but accidental deletion of your business emails or data isn’t a risk you can afford to take.

Peace of mind

Knowing that you have a backup of your Microsoft 365 data can provide peace of mind and allow you to focus on running your business without worrying about potential data loss

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